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2005 Nara Topology Seminar

12寧2擔乮嬥乯屵屻 4丗20乣 屵屻5丗20


島墘幰丗Prof. Ben Burton (RMIT University)

島墘戣栚丗乽Minimal Triangulations of Non-Orientable 3-Manifolds乿


Date: December 2(Fri.) 16:20-17:20

Room: Nara Women's University C435

Speaker: Prof. Ben Burton (RMIT University)

Title: Minimal Triangulations of Non-Orientable 3-Manifolds

Abstract: A minimal triangulation is a method of building a 3-manifold using
the smallest possible number of tetrahedra. In this talk,
using new data from the 9-tetrahedron non-orientable census, we examine
the constructions used in the smallest minimal non-orientable
triangulations. In particular we focus on non-orientable Seifert
fibred spaces, showing how these triangulations are built using
tools such as layerings and saturated blocks. The software package
Regina will be illustrated, including both a general tour of its
features and its specific use in analysing minimal triangulations.


応強丗撧椙彈巕戝妛棟亚洲通_中国体彩网唯一官网俠搹係奒丂C431 乮悢妛墘廗幒乯

島墘幰丗Prof. Akhil Ranjan (Indian Institute of Technology)

島墘戣栚丗乽Harmonic manifolds with minimal horospheres乿


Date: November 25(Fri.) 16:20-17:50

Room: Nara Women's University C431

Speaker: Prof. Akhil Ranjan (Indian Institute of Technology)

Title: Harmonic manifolds with minimal horospheres


応強丗撧椙彈巕戝妛棟亚洲通_中国体彩网唯一官网俠搹係奒丂C434 乮悢妛彫島媊幒乯

島墘幰丗Prof. Song Won Taek (Korea Inst. for Advanced Study)

島墘戣栚丗乽The minimum dilataion of pseudo-Anosov 5-braids乿


Date: November 4(Fri.) 14:40-16:10

Room: Nara Women's University C434

Speaker: Prof. Song Won Taek (Korea Inst. for Advanced Study)

Title: The minimum dilataion of pseudo-Anosov 5-braids

Abstract: The minimum dilatation of pseudo-Anosov 5-braids
is shown to be the largest zero $\lambda_5 \approx 1.72208$
of $x^4 - x^3 - x^2 - x + 1$ which is attained by
The proof involves a lemma which bounds the norm of
a Perron-Frobenius matrix in term of its spectral radius,
and a computer-aided search in a finite but big set of
candidate braids with bounded lengths for the minimum dilatation.


応強丗撧椙彈巕戝妛棟亚洲通_中国体彩网唯一官网俠搹係奒丂C431-2 乮悢妛墘廗幒乯

島墘幰丗暯郪旤壜嶰巵 (妛廗堾戝妛)

島墘戣栚丗乽The flat basket presentation of Seifert surfaces and
a new coding algorithm for links乿


Date: April 19(Tue.) 14:40-15:40

Room: Nara Women's University C431-2

Speaker: Prof. Mikami Hirasawa (Gakushuin Univ.)

Title: The flat basket presentation of Seifert surfaces and
a new coding algorithm for links

Abstract: This is a joint work with T. Kobayashi (Nara Women's Univ) and
Rei Furihata (Yosami Junior High School).
We introduce a new standard form of a Seifert surface F. In that
standard form, F is obtained by successively plumbing flat annuli
to one disk, where the gluing regions are all in the disk.
We show that any link has a Seifert surface in the standard form,
and thereby present a new way of coding a link.