

Talks - Tsuyoshi KOBAYASHI

  1. 3-manifolds with arbitrarily high genus irreducible Heegaard splittings, 1990擭擔杮悢妛夛擭夛
  2. Fibered links which are band connected sum of two links, 1990擭擔杮悢妛夛擭夛
  3. Theory of pre-fiber surfaces and its application to band sum problem, Knots 90, 1990 擭 7 寧丄丂戝嶃
  4. 3-manifolds whose homeomorphism classes of Heegaard splittings have polynomial growth, 1991擭擭夛
  5. 3-manifolds whose equivalence classes of Heegaard splittings have polynomial growth, 寢傃栚棟榑偲偦偺娭楢暘栰丄 1990 擭 12 寧丄丂憗堫揷戝妛
  6. (with 惣丂惏巕) 暵嶰師尦懡條懱偑庬悢 $g$ 偺 Heegaard splitting 傪 帩偮偨傔偺昁梫廫暘忦審乮Hass-Thompson 偺梊憐偵偮偄偰乯, 1992擭擭夛
  7. (with 彫椦丂夒巕) Doubled knot which yields 3-manifolds admitting orientation reversing involution, 1992擭擭夛
  8. knot 偺 connected sum 偲 tunnel number, 検巕榑丒僎乕僕棟榑偵娭楢偟偨埵憡晄曄検丄 1992 擭 10 寧丄丂尗搰乮嶰廳導乯
  9. 寢傃栚偺楢寢榓偲僩儞僱儖悢偵偮偄偰丄 Heegaard 棟榑偲偦偺廃曈丄 1992 擭 11 寧丄丂嫗搒
  10. Constructing arbitrarily high degenerations of tunnel numbers of knots丄 捗揷僩億儘僕乕僔儞億僕僂儉乽寢傃栚棟榑偲掅師尦懡條懱偺僩億儘僕乕乿丄 1993 擭 2 寧丄丂捗揷弉戝妛
  11. Constructing arbitrarily high degeneration of tunnel number of knots, 1993擭擔杮悢妛夛擭夛
  12. Hyperbolic knots which do not admit depth 1 foliations (A negative answer to a question of Cantwell-Conlon), 1993擭廐婜憤崌暘壢夛摿暿島墘
  13. 寢傃栚偺 Depth 偵偮偄偰 (following Cantwell-Conln)丄 寢傃栚偺尋媶丄 1993 擭 10 寧丄丂壛懢乮榓壧嶳導乯
  14. T.Kobayashi, Minimal genus Seifert surface for a knot which is a non-trivial band sum, The 3rd Korea-Japan School of Knots and Links, Korea Advanced Institute of Technology, Taejon, Korea (1994, February)
  15. T.Kobayashi, HG-complexity of Haken manifolds and applications, Knots 3-manifolds and application, CIRM, Marseille-Luminy, France (1994, July)
  16. 彫椦婤, D.Heath, 寢傃栚偺 thin position 偵偮偄偰, Art of Low Dimensional Topology, 戝嶃彜岺夛媍強尗搰尋廋僙儞僞乕,嶰廳導 (1994, November)
  17. Application of Cerf theory to Heegaard theory (Rubinstein-Scharlemann 偺榑暥丗 Comparing Heegaard splittings of non-Haken 3-manifolds 偺徯夘 俁師尦懡條懱廡娫丄 1994 擭 1俀 寧丄丂搶嫗岺嬈戝妛
  18. 彫椦婤, 嶰師尦懡條懱忋偺扨懱暘妱偺懚嵼偵娭偡傞Bing 偺榑暥偺徯夘, 俁師尦懡條懱偺扨懱暘妱偲偦偺廃曈, 撧椙彈巕戝妛 (1995, January)
  19. 彫椦婤, D.Heath, Locally thin position for links, 寢傃栚偺彅栤戣偲嵟嬤偺惉壥, 壛懢丆榓壧嶳導 (1995, October)
  20. 彫椦婤, 峀搰戝妛択榖夛,僩億儘僕乕僙儈僫乕 (1996, April 16)
  21. T.Kobayashi, Rubinstein-Scharleman Graphic as the discriminant set of a stable map, Art of Low Dimensional Topology, 戝嶃彜岺夛媍強尗搰尋廋僙儞僞乕, 嶰廳導 (1996, October)
  22. T.Kobayashi, Classification of unknotting tunnels for two bridge knots, 1997 Georgia Topology Conference, University of Georgia, U.S.A. (1997, July)
  23. T.Kobayashi, Introduction to lamination, normal surface, and thin position, 1998 Nara Topology Project (Laminations on 3-manifolds), 撧椙彈巕戝妛, (1998, January)
  24. 彫椦婤, 寢傃栚偺奜晹嬻娫撪偺 essential branched surface 偲 strong property P 偵偮偄偰, 嬨廈戝妛悢妛嫵幒択榖夛 (1998擭 7寧)
  25. 彫椦婤, Essential laminations in the exterior of links, 杒嫗戝妛悢妛嫵幒僩億儘僕乕択榖夛 (1998擭 10寧)
  26. 彫椦婤, Rubinstein-Scharlemann graphic for 3-manifolds as the discriminant set of stable maps 杒嫗戝妛悢妛嫵幒択榖夛 (1998擭 10寧)
  27. M.Brittenham, 椦拤堦榊丆暯郪旤壜嶰,壓愳峲栫丆彫椦婤, 棈傒栚曗嬻娫偺 branched surface 偺 standard position 偲 essential lamination, 寢傃栚偺悢棟 娭惣僙儈僫乕僴僂僗,嫗搒 (1998, October)
  28. M.Brittenham, 椦拤堦榊丆暯郪旤壜嶰,壓愳峲栫丆彫椦婤, Essential laminations and branched surfaces in the exteriors of links, 僩億儘僕乕偲僐儞僺儏乕僞, 柧帯戝妛弜壨戜峑幧 (1998, December)
  29. T.Kobayashi, Orbifold Version of Rubinstein-Scharlemann Graphic of 3-Manifold, Geometry and Topology, Technion, Haifa, Israel(1999, January)
  30. T.Kobayashi, Classification of unknotting tunnels for two bridge knots, The seventh Japan-Korea School of Knots and Links, Kobe, Japan (1999, February)
  31. T.Kobayashi, Scharlemann-Thompson untelescoping is strictly finer than Casson-Gordon's, Korea-Japan joint topology seminar, KAIST (2001, December 10-11)
  32. 彫椦婤, Scharlemann-Thompson untelescoping is strictly finer than Casson-Gordon's, 乽寢傃栚偺僩億儘僕乕IV乿 ,戝嶃巗棫戝妛丂妛弍忣曬僙儞僞乕 乮俀侽侽侾擭侾俀寧乯
  33. T.Kobayashi, Graphic of 3-manifolds and its applications, Low Dimensional Topology of Tomorrow, RIMS, Kyoto (2002, January 7-10)
  34. 2002 擭 7寧8擔乣12擔丆娯崙 KAIST 偵偰嶰師尦懡條懱榑偵娭偡傞楢懕島媊傪偍偙側偆
  35. 彫椦婤丆Yo'av Rieck, Local detection of strongly irreducible Heegaard splittings via knot exteriors, 乽寢傃栚偲懡條懱偺婔壗偲戙悢乿戝嶃巗棫戝妛暥壔岎棳僙儞僞乕戞侾尋廋幒 乮戝嶃墂慜戞俀價儖俇奒乯乮2002擭10寧10擔)
  36. T.Kobayashi, On the growth rate of tunnel number of knots, Topology in and around dimension three, Banff (2003, September 16)
  37. T.Kobayashi, The growth rate of tunnel numbers of m-small knots I, WORKSHOP ON HEEGAARD SPLITTINGS OF 3-MANIFOLDS, Technion, Haifa, Israel (2005, July 13)
  38. T.Kobayashi and S.Umeda, Realizing pseudo-Anosov egg beaters with simple mechanisms, International Workshop on Knot Theory for Scientific Objects , Osaka City University, Basic Experimental Education Building (2006, March 9)
  39. T.Kobayashi, Realizing Topological Chaos with Simple Mechanisms, SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems, (2007, May 31)
  40. T.Kobayashi, Distance of knots and Morimoto乫s Conjecture on the super additive phenomena of tunnel numbers of knots, GEOMETRIC TOPOLOGY CONFERENCE, Peking University, Beijing, CHINA, (2007, June 21)
  41. T.Kobayashi, Realization problems of distances of Heegaard splittings, Workshop: Simplicial Complexes Arising in Low-Dimensional Topology, 搶嫗岺嬈戝妛, (2009, July 3)
  42. T.Kobayashi, On thin presentations of 3-manifolds and links, Category Theory, Computer Science, and Topology, 怣廈戝妛棟亚洲通_中国体彩网唯一官网, (2009, October 18)
  43. 彫椦婤丆懞堜峢巕, Toward Haken type theorems for essential laminations in 3-manifolds: Proposal of fundamental settings and applications , 乽E-KOOK僙儈僫乕2010乿戝嶃巗棫戝妛妛弍忣曬僙儞僞乕 10 奒乮悪杮僉儍儞僷僗乯 乮2010擭8寧28擔)
  44. T.Kobayashi, On the growth rate of tunnel numbers of knots, Workshop on Low Dimensional Topology in Shanghai and Suzhou (2011, May 17)
  45. 擖堜丂旤婭丆彫椦丂婤 2師尦僩乕儔僗偺憡帡峔憿傪梡偄偨堦斒壔偝傟偨儈僂儔愜傝偺峔惉 Spring Workshop 2013 on Low-Dimensional Topology and its Ramifications (柤忛戝妛柤墂僒僥儔僀僩僉儍儞僷僗) (2013擭3寧3擔)

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