In order to study at a Japanese university, you must obtain a student visa from Japanese Embassies or Consulates overseas prior to your arrival.
Please refer to the followings for obtaining a visa:
1. Applying for a visa by yourself at Japanese Embassy or Consulate in your country.
2. Asking for a university staff to obtain a Certificate of Eligibility from the Immigration Bureau on your behalf first, and then visiting Japanese Embassy or Consulate in your country with the certificate.
The Certificate of Eligibility certifies to the Immigration Bureau that you satisfy the conditions in order to entry into the country. With this certificate, you will find the procedure at Japanese Embassy or Consulate or at the airport immigration check more smoothly.
Please find the chart below for the basic procedure to apply for a Certificate of Eligibility through a university.
Please note that the procedure may vary by your situation (e.g. regular student or non -regular student), and the International Division will be happy to assist you every step of the way.

- 1.Prepare the necessary documents for the application for the Certificate of Eligibility.
- * If you are an exchange student, no need to prepare for these, as you have already submitted them upaon exchange application.
1.Certificate of Eligibility application form (For applicant part)
2.CV in a university specified format
3.3 photographs (each 4cm x 3cm)
4.A copy of Certificate of Admission
5.A copy of your passport pages showing your information (e.g. photo of yourself, passport number)
* If you have previously visited Japan, the pages with the relevant immigration and emigration stamps are also required.
6.Financial Statement
This document is required to show that a student can afford his/her living expenses during his/her stay in Japan. If you manage all your expenses during your stay by yourself, please make sure to provide us your own bank statement. If your family is supporting your expenses, we need documents such as their bank statements, certificates of employment and kinship certificates. Please know that the Immigration Bureau may request you to submit additional documents.
- 2.The International Division will apply for the Certificate of Eligibility for you. Please note that it may take one to two months for the issuance.
- 3.Once issude, the International Division will send the certificate to you by Email.
- 4.Please apply for a visa at Japanese Embassy or Consulate in your country. You can check their website for more detailed information regarding the procedure.
- Please make sure to inform the International Division of your visa and your itinerary as soon as they are issued and confirmed.