
夕頭 セミナ`秤2017_冉巖宥_嶄忽悶科利率匯郊利


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v處査楊 再雰羨凋^寄僥尖垢僥何
}兆 伏麗のメカニカルデザイン困たち、夛、C嬬
侭 オンライン
晩r 12埖7晩,14晩,21晩

 伏き麗のH羨った蒙罿里劼箸弔蓮△修里たちやう ごき のR 宜議な謹來であ る。この謹來をうみだすミクロなO蹐蓮∂z思咾箸いΔたちで飲 坪 に畜に砿尖されている。しかし、そこから伏み竃されるたんぱく|やN?の 蛍徨をMみ貧げて伏麗畠悶を3肝圷腎gにつくり竃す^殻は、かなりの 殻業、 薦僥議な^殻でもある。云vxでは、メカニカルな斑罎没田燭靴読凋F鵑 そのアナロジ`議な徭隼F鵑鰌{べる冩梢についてB初する。さま ざまな醤 悶箭を宥じて、簧痢∩咫⊥僕、撹Lといったプロセスをあつかう麗尖僥 BA悶麗尖僥の古廷についても盾hする。伏麗の\嗤圓簧B 侘撹の碧 Mみを尖盾するために、麗尖僥がどんなふうに試Sするのか、また、伏麗のか たちやC嬬の碧Mみを岑ることからどんな仟しい垢僥議インスピ レ`ション やd龍侮い麗尖僥の}が伏まれるのか、それらを古Qする。 娩I鮫Mみ醤栽に鬉犬筝します
1秘夛と夛薦僥 ものはなぜ雲れ鯛ちないか┐△襪い榔世貘笋舛襪里
  2.1) 伏麗の撹Lとその方尖
  2.2) 峅麗、裏伏麗、嗄錣緑Bと恙莫パタ`ン
 3.1) 峅麗と邦宰を游んで、慧す
 3.2) 峅麗の~っぱと嶷薦艮…いミ壞とラ採僥議な來
 4.1) リボンと彫価困垢戮蝓△劼辰かり、スナップ
 4.2) 孵りの薦僥困佑犬譟△劼辰僂蝓婢_、Ъ{

v處査楊 再雰羨凋^寄僥尖垢僥何
}兆 かみばねの夛薦僥
侭 栂措溺徨寄僥尖僥何C C141 縮片
晩r 12埖21晩直15:00゛16:30

かみばねは2旦のを嶷ねてつくる徨工の[びである。かみばねはその撹隈から畜には孵りには蛍されないが、厘?はこの かみ ばね を}栽孵りのモデル狼とみなし、 その夛と薦僥蒙來を、庁侏を喘いたygYと嗤渙殆隈による麻Cシミュレ`ションをMみ栽わせて{べている。かみばねの蒙 羿弔簧里痌薦は、屈旦の爆中が札いに笑崩しあってk伏すること、光中の爆げミ圓屶塘議であること、そして蒙羿弔 stress-stiffingを幣すことなどについて、これまで誼られたY惚をもとにhする。┐海譴蕕粒氷は寄僥垪伏の致 弥と防云による。

v處Dr. Lucas GoehringNottingham Trent University, UK
}兆 Evolving crack patterns: mud cracks, columnar joints, and polygonal terrain
侭 栂措溺徨寄僥尖僥何C C141 縮片
晩r 6埖27晩(諮) 15r00蛍゛

 Contraction cracks can form captivating patterns, such as the artistic craquelure sometimes found in pottery glazes, to the cracks in dried mud, or the polygonal networks covering the polar regions of Earth andsoft_matter@ml.tmu.ac.jp, statphys@issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp Mars. Two types are frequently encountered: those with irregular rectilinear patterns, such as that formed by an homogeneous slurry when dried (or cooled) uniformly, and more regular hexagonal patterns, such as those typified by columnar joints. Once cracks start to form in a thin contracting layer, they will sequentially break the layer into smaller and smaller pieces. A rectilinear crack pattern encodes information about the order of cracks, as later cracks tend to intersect with earlier cracks at right angles. In this manner they relieve the stresses perpendicular to the pre-existing crack. In a hexagonal pattern, in contrast, the angles between all cracks at a vertex are near 120<. In this presentation it will be shown how both types of pattern can arise from identical forces, and that a rectilinear, T-junction dominated pattern will develop into to a hexagonal pattern, with Y-junctions, if allowed to. The ordering of crack patterns are seen in a number of systems: columnar joints in starch and lava; desiccation cracks in clays that are repeatedly wetted and dried; cracks in eroding gypsum-cemented sand layers; and the cracks in permafrost known as polygonal terrain. These patterns will each be briefly explored, in turn, and shown to obey the above principles of crack pattern evolution.

v處Prof. Purusattam RayInstitute of Mathematical Sciences, India
}兆 Fracture in heterogeneous materials
侭 栂措溺徨寄僥尖僥何仟B B1207催片
晩r 5埖26晩(署) 15:00-16:30

The two principal ingredients determining the failure modes ofdisordered solids are the level of heterogeneity and the length scale of the region affected in the solid following a local failure. While the latter facilitates damage nucleation, the former leads to diffused damage C the two extreme failure modes. We present study of the effect of heterogeneity and stress release range on fracture and the results of the interplay between these two effects. We obtain scaling criteria for the different modes of fracture and propose a general phase diagram that provides a framework for understanding various fracture processes observed in nature.

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